• echo=
  • eval=
  • include=


The echo= chunk option governs the rendering of the R code inside a chunk. By default, it is set to TRUE (or T). If it is TRUE, the code inside of the chunk gets printed – or echoed – in the knitted document. For instance, the code in the following chunk will appear:

my_data <- tibble(
  score = rnorm(n = 1000,
                mean = 100,
                sd = 15))

echo=FALSE hides the code but produces the output


The eval= chunk option governs the evaluation of the R code inside a chunk. By default, it is set to TRUE (or T). If it is set to FALSE, the code will appear but will not get run and so any code dependent on objects in this code chunk will fail.

my_data2 <- tibble(
  score = rnorm(n = 1000,
                mean = 100,
                sd = 15))

Now there is not my_data2 object and so the plot cannot be generated

my_data2 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = score)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "#ff450088", colour = "black") +
## Error in eval(lhs, parent, parent): object 'my_data2' not found


The include= chunk option cahnges whether or not both code and output should be included. By default, it is set to TRUE (or T). If it is TRUE, both code and output (plots, tables, etc) will be printed in the knitted document. For instance, here, both code chunks and the plot appear:

my_data <- tibble(
  score = rnorm(n = 1000,
                mean = 100,
                sd = 15))

But when eval= is set to FALSE none of it will be there.