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class: middle, inverse, title-slide # Welcome to Analysing Data! ## Practical 1 ### Dr Jennifer Mankin ### 26 January 2022 --- ## Overview - Info about the Module - Setting Up - Try Out the Tutorials BREAK -- - Info about Worksheets - Study: SMARM - Optional: Try Out the Sample Worksheet --- ## Introductions Module Leads - Dr Jennifer Mankin: Lectures, Practicals, Skills Labs, Coursework, Exam - Dr Milan Valášek: Lectures, Practicals, Skills Labs, Website Doctoral Tutors (DTs) - Please introduce yourselves! --- ## Info About the Module - Check Sussex Direct for all sessions and deadlines - Pay attention to location! - Materials - [Canvas](https://canvas.sussex.ac.uk/courses/17281): Admin, Help, Piazza, Assessments - [Website](https://and.netlify.app): All teaching materials and resources --- ## Info About the Module Changing Practical Groups - Not generally allowed without a good reason (e.g. consistent clash) - [Email the School Office](mailto:psychology@sussex.ac.uk) - the teaching team cannot help with this! Online Practicals - Always available in the same time slot! Attendance - You may attend a different **online** practical if you have a one-off clash - You will be able to complete your worksheet but you will not be marked present --- ## Getting in Touch For any questions about the module or content: - Check Canvas and the website for the answer - If no answer, post your question on Piazza or bring to a practical - For admin questions, [email the teaching team](mailto:analysingdata.psychology@sussex.ac.uk) For personal/confidential questions: - Email one of the teaching team (Jennifer/Milan) **We will not answer questions about R/RStudio/statistics over email!** --- # Canvas Tour! --- # Website Tour! --- ## Setting Up 1. Log into [OneDrive](https://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/onedrive) 2. Open RStudio - Click the Windows symbol or magnifying glass on the Toolbar and type “Software Hub” - In Software Hub, scroll down to RStudio and launch 3. Create a new project folder - In RStudio, click File > New Project > New Directory > New Project - For subdirectory, choose your OneDrive; call the directory whatever you like (e.g. “02_analsying_data”) - Click Create Project! 4. Install Packages - See Using University Computers on [R Resources](https://canvas.sussex.ac.uk/courses/17281/pages/r-resources) --- ## Try Out the Tutorials Once you finish setup, you can try out the tutorials! - Tutorial 00: RMarkdown - Tutorial 01: Tidyverse and Pipes (`%>%`) --- # Break! --- ## A Typical Practical First Half - Supported working time - Work on the tutorial and practical worksheet for that week Second Half - Complete the marked worksheet quiz --- ## Info about Worksheet Quizzes Similar to last term: - Completed through Canvas Quizzes - Same number of questions (7) - Similar types of questions (concepts, coding, interpreting code and output) This time, you have 30 minutes to answer the questions (more with RAs!) --- ## Info about Worksheet Quizzes To answer the questions, you **must** use R! - View the required analyses in the worksheet description - Work on this analysis before or during your practical session - Ask as many questions as you like and get help from the teaching team - Everything you need is in the tutorial and skills lab from the previous week! - The worksheet quiz will include questions about this analysis - You **can** use `R` output, RStudio, lecture notes, the Internet, etc. - You **cannot** work together with other people --- ## This Week's Worksheet This week, instead of a worksheet, we have a survey for you to do - The survey covers your attitudes, opinions, and experiences with statistics, maths, and coding, with some questions about anxiety and gender identity - Same study as you completed at the beginning of last term! - If you complete the survey **and** pass the attention checks, you get an automatic 100% for your first worksheet mark - We also want to use your responses to link to your attendance, marks etc. for research purposes, but you can consent to this or not with no impact on your mark --- ## For the Rest of the Practical... Complete the practice worksheet (unmarked) and/or the survey (marked) Canvas > Quizzes > Week 1 Worksheet - SURVEY - Read the consent form and complete the survey - When you’ve finished the survey, enter the completion codes in the quiz Canvas > Quizzes > Week 1 Worksheet - PRACTICE - Practice worksheet that is **very similar** to next week’s marked worksheet - Give it a try as many times as you like! - Based primarily on Tutorial 01 (on the Analysing Data website)
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