Practical 6 worksheet


This is a marked worksheet that contains 7 questions. The questions cover topics from last week's lectures and skills lab, and the tutorial you just completed. Before you begin the worksheet, you should first read these instructions and complete the analyses described in "Analysis", below.

You will have 7 randomly selected questions to answer; do not be surprised if you have different questions from others working on the same worksheet!

To access the worksheet, you must attend your practical session. In the session, a passcode will be announced to unlock the worksheet; you must begin the worksheet within 5 minutes of the passcode being released. You will have 30 minutes to complete the worksheet, unless you have reasonable adjustments for extra time (38 minutes for 25% extra time, and 45 minutes for 50% extra time).

Academic Honesty

You are welcome to use module resources - e.g. lecture slides, tutorials, skills labs scripts - to answer these questions. You are also welcome to use RStudio to solve problems, do calculations, or refer to output. However, you should not work with other students while you are completing the worksheet, and tutors will only be able to answer questions about technical problems (e.g. computer crash).


The Stroop effect is one of the most robust findings in psychological science. In a standard visual Stroop task, participants are presented a sequence of stimuli in the form of colourful words and are instructed to respond by naming the colour in which the given stimulus is presented. One stimulus-response pair is called a trial.

Study design

The present study investigated the visual Stroop effect. Participants were allocated into one of two conditions, either “congruent” or “incongruent”. Each participants was then presented with two blocks of trials. The first block – the “non-colour-word” block – the stimuli presented were not colour words. The task was to name the colour in which the stimuli are displayed as quickly and accurately as possible. The task looks something like this:

Click to start/stop

The second block – the “colour-word” block – differed based on the condition (group) to which the given participant was allocated. In the “congruent” condition, the stimuli were colour-words and the colour in which they were displayed agreed with the meaning of the word. Again, the task was to name the colour as quickly and accurately as possible. This is what the condition looks like:

Click to start/stop

In the “incongruent” condition, the colour in which the words were displayed was not the same as the meaning of the stimuli. The task was the same. This is what it looks like:

Click to start/stop

Reaction time on each trial was recorded in milliseconds as was whether or not participant’s response was correct. If no response was recorded within 3 seconds, an incorrect response was recorded and the next trial was presented.

You were called upon to analyse the data and decide whether or not there is a difference between reaction times on congruent vs incongruent trials. You should only consider correct responses on the colour-word trials, excluding any improbably fast responses (less than 200ms).


The dataset is available at


Varaible name Content Notes
id Unique participant number
block Non-colour-words (0) vs colour-words (1) Within-subjects variable
group Congruent (0) vs Incongruent condition Between-groups variable
trial Trial number
correct Correct (1) or incorrect (0) response on the trial
rt Reaction time in milliseconds


Drawing on the information above, complete the following tasks:

Setting up

Task 1

Create a new R Markdown document in your week_06 project folder. Use a combination of code chunks with R code and body text to complete the remaining tasks.

# all of the above can be replaced with just
# library(tidyverse)



Task 2

Formulate the statistical null and alternative hypotheses.

\[H_0:\ ...\]

\[H_1:\ ...\]

\[H_0:\ \mu_{\text{congruent}} = \mu_{\text{incongruent}}\]

\[H_1:\ \mu_{\text{congruent}} \ne \mu_{\text{incongruent}}\]

Data inspection

Task 3

Read in the data.

stroop <- readr::read_csv("")

Task 4

Familiarise yourself with the data set.

Task 4.1

How many variables are there?

[1] 6

Task 4.2

Data from how many participants are included in the dataset?

There are many ways to do this:

stroop %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id) %>%
  dplyr::tally() %>%
[1] 116
table(stroop$id) %>% length()
[1] 116
unique(stroop$id) %>% length()
[1] 116

Task 4.3

How many trials did each participant complete per block?

stroop %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id, block) %>%
# A tibble: 232 × 3
# Groups:   id [116]
      id block     n
   <dbl> <dbl> <int>
 1     1     0    40
 2     1     1    40
 3     2     0    40
 4     2     1    40
 5     3     0    40
 6     3     1    40
 7     4     0    40
 8     4     1    40
 9     5     0    40
10     5     1    40
# … with 222 more rows
## two more lines and you don't have to browse through the output
stroop %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id, block) %>%
  dplyr::tally() %>%
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::summarise(unique_n = unique(n))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1       40

Task 4.4

What proportion of trials were responded to incorrectly (including non-responses)?

From the description of the study design:

If no response was recorded within 3 seconds, an incorrect response was recorded and the next trial was presented.

If correct response is coded as 1 and incorrect as 0, then \(N - \sum{\text{correct}}\) gives the number of incorrect responses. Dividing this number by \(N\) gives proportion of incorrect responses.

n_total <- nrow(stroop)
(n_total - sum(stroop$correct)) / n_total
[1] 0.0455819

Task 4.5

Assuming a trial automatically ends after 3 seconds, how many trials recorded no response?

This is a simple filtering task:

stroop %>%
  dplyr::filter(rt == 3000) %>%
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1   219

Data cleaning and wrangling

Task 5

Convert the block and group variables into factors and give them labels according to the codebook above.

Varaible name Content
block Non-colour-words (0) vs colour-words (1)
group Congruent (0) vs Incongruent condition
stroop <- stroop %>%
  dplyr::mutate(block = factor(block, labels = c("Non-colour", "Colour")),
                group = factor(group, labels = c("Congruent", "Incongruent")))

Task 6

Remove data you don’t need but make a note of how many observations you’re removing and for what reasons.

Varaible name Content
block Non-colour-words (0) vs colour-words (1)
group Congruent (0) vs Incongruent condition
n_non_response <- stroop %>%
  dplyr::filter(rt == 3000) %>%

n_incorrect <- stroop %>%
  dplyr::filter(correct == 0 & rt < 3000) %>%

n_too_fast <- stroop %>%
  dplyr::filter(rt < 200) %>%

# remove unwanted data
stroop_clean <- stroop %>%
    correct == 1 & # only correct responses (rt = 3000 is automatically incorrect)
      rt >= 200 & # <200 is too fast
      block == "Colour") # only colour-word block

Task 7

Create a tibble with mean reaction time per participant.

stroop_clean <- stroop_clean %>%
  dplyr::group_by(id, block, group) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(m_rt = mean(rt))


Task 8

Visualise the distribution of mean reaction times per participants for each of the two groups.

stroop_clean %>%
  dplyr::rename(Condition = group) %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(aes(x = Condition, y = m_rt, colour = Condition, fill = Condition)) +
    trim = FALSE,
    scale = "count",
    alpha = .3,
    color = NA
  ) +
    width = .1,
    fill="white", alpha = .8
  ) +
    position = position_jitter(.05),
    alpha=.4) +
  labs(y = "Mean reaction time per participant (ms)") +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#52006f", "#009fa7")) +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#52006f", "#009fa7")) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = c(.85, .85),
        legend.background = element_blank())
*Distribution of participants' average reaction time (in ms) on valid colour-word trials by condition*

Figure 1: Distribution of participants’ average reaction time (in ms) on valid colour-word trials by condition

Task 9

Create a well-formatted table of the following descriptive statistics per group:

desc_tib <- stroop_clean %>%
    dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
      mean_rt = mean(m_rt),
      sd_rt = sd(m_rt),
      min = min(m_rt),
      max = max(m_rt),
      n = dplyr::n(),
      # we're going to need SE for plot of results
      se = sd_rt / sqrt(n)
desc_tib %>%
  dplyr::select(-se) %>% # we don't need std. errors in our descriptive table
    digits = 1, # measurement is in grammes so we can just round to whole numbers
    col.names = c("Condition", "*M*", "*SD*", "Minimum", "Maximum", "*N*"),
    caption = "*Descriptive statistics of participants' average reaction time (in ms) on valid colour-word trials by condition.*") %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_classic(full_width = FALSE)
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of participants’ average reaction time (in ms) on valid colour-word trials by condition.
Condition M SD Minimum Maximum N
Congruent 600.3 174.4 335.3 1077.8 60
Incongruent 948.5 359.1 365.5 1669.5 56

The table should have informative column names and a caption.


Task 10

Create an appropriate statistical model to test your hypothesis.

m1 <- t.test(m_rt ~ group, stroop_clean)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  m_rt by group
t = -6.5694, df = 78.329, p-value = 5.059e-09
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Congruent and group Incongruent is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -453.7564 -242.7083
sample estimates:
  mean in group Congruent mean in group Incongruent 
                 600.2761                  948.5085 

Task 11

Report on any excluded data. How many observations did you exclude and for what reason?

We collected data from 116 participants, with 40 tirals per block, totalling 9280 observations. Of these, 411 were incorrect responses, 219 were non-responses, and 183 had improbably fast reaction times (< 200ms). These observation were excluded.

Task 12

Report the results in accordance with the APA guidelines.

Mean reaction time was, on average, shorter in the “Congruent” (600 ms, SD = 174 ms) than in the “Incongruent” condition (949 ms, SD = 359 ms). This difference was statistically significant according to Welch’s test, Mdiff = −348 ms, 95%CI [−454, −243], t(78.3) = −6.57, p < .001. We thus reject the null hypothesis of no difference in favour of the alternative.

Task 13

Visualise the results in a publication-quality errorbar plot.

desc_tib %>%
  dplyr::rename(Condition = group) %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(aes(x = Condition, y = mean_rt)) +
      ymin = mean_rt - 2 * se,
      ymax = mean_rt + 2 * se
    width = .05) +
    shape = 23,
    size = 3,
    fill = "steelblue"
  ) +
    name = "Mean reaction time (ms)",
    limits = c(500, 1250) # custom limits to Y-axis
  ) +
*Plot of mean reaction times on valid trials (&plusmn;2&times;SE) by condition*

Figure 2: Plot of mean reaction times on valid trials (±2×SE) by condition

Task 14

What do you conclude about your hypothesis based on your analysis?

We reject the null hypothesis of no difference in favour of the alternative.


Task 15

Knit your .Rmd file into a formatted HTML document. Make sure it looks good and that there are no markdown rendering issues.


Well done!

If you successfully completed all the tasks, you’re ready to do the TAP.