Tutorial 10
In tutorial 10, we extended our model of penguin flipper length by including bill length as an additional predictor and learnt how to centre, scale, and standardise variables in the linear model to change the interpretation of the individual \(b\) coefficients.
The last tutorial of this module will guide you through model comparison using the F-test with R
’s anova()
Before you start this tutorial, make sure you are comfortable with the concepts discussed in lecture 10.
As usual, here’s a little quiz to get you in the mood. Consider this linear model when answering the questions below.
lm(formula = live ~ love + laugh, data = yolo)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-49.382 -12.559 -0.789 12.820 50.012
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 48.689 1.578 30.850 < 2e-16 ***
love 10.202 1.212 8.419 1.76e-15 ***
laugh -3.306 2.373 -1.393 0.165
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 19.14 on 291 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.201, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1955
F-statistic: 36.6 on 2 and 291 DF, p-value: 6.609e-15
How many predictors are there in this model?
Correct!That’s not right…
Assuming laugh
is a binary categorical variable, what is the difference in live
between the two groups?
(Give answer to 2 decimal places)
-3.31 | 3.31
Correct!That’s not right…
Which of the two groups has a higher expected value of live
laugh = 0
Correct!That’s not right…
Assuming love
is a mean-centred continuous variable, what is the expected value of live
for someone with an average level of love
and 0 laugh
(Give answer to 2 decimal places)
Correct!That’s not right…
What model does the F-test reported in the summary compare this model to?
The null (intercept-only) model
Correct!That’s not right…
Given standardised B coefficients of 0.46 and −0.11 for love
and laugh
respectively, which variable has the largest effect on the outcome?
Correct!That’s not right…
As usual, all you need is this tutorial and RStudio. Remember that you can easily switch between windows with the Alt + ↹ Tab (Windows) and ⌘ Command + ⇥ Tab (Mac OS) shortcuts.
Create a new week_10
project and open it in RStudio.
Then, create two new folders in the new week_10
folder: r_docs
and data
Finally, open a new R Markdown file and save it in the r_docs
Get into the habit of creating new code chunk in the file for each of the tasks below.
Remember, you can add new code chunks by:
, press Enter, then ```
In this tutorial, just like in the previous two, we’ll continue using the penguins data set from the palmerpenguins
package. You will also need the packages tidyverse
, broom
, and QuantPsyc
(install it if you don’t have it yet; watch out for spelling and upper/lower case letters!).
Put the code that loads all of these in the setup
chunk of your Rmd file and run it.
Just like the last couple of times, save the penguins
data set in your environment as peng_data
to avoid having to type out palmerpenguins::penguins
every time you want to use it.
peng_data <- palmerpenguins::penguins
It’s always good to refresh your memory about the dataset by looking at a rough summary.
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm
Adelie :152 Biscoe :168 Min. :32.10 Min. :13.10
Chinstrap: 68 Dream :124 1st Qu.:39.23 1st Qu.:15.60
Gentoo :124 Torgersen: 52 Median :44.45 Median :17.30
Mean :43.92 Mean :17.15
3rd Qu.:48.50 3rd Qu.:18.70
Max. :59.60 Max. :21.50
NA's :2 NA's :2
flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex year
Min. :172.0 Min. :2700 female:165 Min. :2007
1st Qu.:190.0 1st Qu.:3550 male :168 1st Qu.:2007
Median :197.0 Median :4050 NA's : 11 Median :2008
Mean :200.9 Mean :4202 Mean :2008
3rd Qu.:213.0 3rd Qu.:4750 3rd Qu.:2009
Max. :231.0 Max. :6300 Max. :2009
NA's :2 NA's :2
Let’s start by rebuilding one of the models we fitted last time.
Build a linear model predicting flipper length by body mass in kilogrammes and bill length in millimetres, with both predictors mean-centred.
Create a new model m_mass_bill_sex
that adds the sex
variable in addition to the two predictors in the previous model.
Look at the summary of this model and answer the following questions.
Which category of the sex
variable is represented by 0?
Correct!That’s not right…
What is the difference between the mean flipper length of a male and female penguin?
(Give answer in mm to 2 decimal places, such as 0.42)
-4.71 | 4.71
Correct!That’s not right…
Which sex of penguin has, on average, longer flippers?
Correct!That’s not right…
Is the difference statistically significant at α = .001?
Correct!That’s not right…
What is the expected flipper length of a male penguin of average size with a bill of average length?
(Give answer in mm to 2 decimal places, such as 200.15)
Correct!That’s not right…
What percentage of the total variance in the outcome is accounted for by the combined effect of the predictors in the data?
(Give answer as % to 1 decimal place)
Correct!That’s not right…
Does the model include any unhelpful predictors?
Correct!That’s not right…
lm(formula = flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr +
sex, data = peng_data)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-23.725 -3.917 0.330 4.199 14.205
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 203.22727 0.49903 407.248 < 2e-16 ***
mass_kg_cntr 14.01511 0.53535 26.179 < 2e-16 ***
bill_length_cntr 0.60591 0.07599 7.973 2.57e-14 ***
sexmale -4.71265 0.74065 -6.363 6.64e-10 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 6.067 on 329 degrees of freedom
(11 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared: 0.8143, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8126
F-statistic: 481 on 3 and 329 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The last row of the coefficient table says sexmale
That means that this is the change in the outcome when the sex
variable “changes” to male
and after the effect of the other predictors has been taken into account.
In other words, it must be the female
category that serves as the baseline (sex
= 0) category.
The difference is the \(b\) coefficient associated with the sex
variable: −4.71 mm or 4.71 mm, depending on which way around you’re doing the comparison.
Given that the \(b\) coefficient for sex
is negative and that female
is the reference category, male penguins have, on average, shorter flippers.
The p-value associated with the \(b\) coefficient is 6.64 × 10−10 which is far smaller than .001, and so the difference is indeed significant.
Because both body mass and bill length have been centred, and female
is the baseline category, the intercept \(b_0\) represents the expected flipper length of a female penguin of average size and bill-length.
To get the expected flipper length of its male counterpart, all you need to do is add the \(b\) coefficient for sex
\[b_0 + b_3 = 203.23 + -4.71 = 198.51\]
The metric for the proportion of variance accounted for in the data is multiple R2, so the answer to the penultimate question is 81.4.
Finally, there is essentially no difference between multiple and adjusted R2 (81.4% and 81.3%), which is a clear indicator that there are no redundant predictors in the model.
What is the unique proportion of variance in the flipper length variable that’s attributable to sex
? In other words, how much variance in the outcome is accounted for by sex
You’ll need the difference between R2 from two models.
We already have a model that contains the two predictors other than sex
and we also have one that includes all three.
So, because sex
is the only difference between the two models, the difference in their respective R2 must be due to this variable.
rsq_m1 <- m_massKg_bill_cntr %>% broom::glance() %>% dplyr::pull(r.squared)
rsq_m2 <- m_mass_bill_sex %>% broom::glance() %>% dplyr::pull(r.squared)
# difference in % rounded to 1 dp
round((rsq_m2 - rsq_m1) * 100, 1)
[1] 2.6
Granted, 2.6% of the total variance is not exactly earth-shattering but it’s something!
Now that we know all about the effect of sex on flipper length in penguins (this is going to win you a pub quiz one day!), let’s look at a formal comparison between a model that includes the variable and one that does not.
Let’s formally compare m_massKg_bill_cntr
and m_mass_bill_sex
Enter the objects containing the two linear models as arguments to the anova()
anova(m_massKg_bill_cntr, m_mass_bill_sex)
Well, that didn’t work, did it?
The error message we get from R
for once actually tells us what the problem is in plain English:
Error in anova.lmlist(object, ...) : models were not all fitted to the same size of dataset
So the problem is that the two models we are trying to compare are based on datasets of different sizes.
Pause to think why this might be the case…
The reason, as is often the case with these things, is missing data.
A model can only use those rows of a dataset that have non-missing observations in each column that is used in the model specification.1
If, for instance, there are some penguins in the dataset whose bills, flippers, and body masses have been measured, but whose sex has not, their data will be used to estimate the coefficients of the m_massKg_bill_cntr
model, but not the m_mass_bill_sex
This discrepancy makes the models incomparable.
While we haven’t explicitly focused on data exploration in the past few tutorials, we stressed the importance of knowing your data earlier in the module. We also asked you to familiarise yourself with your dataset which entails noticing things like unusual, impossible, or missing values in variables.
A familiarity with your data is really important for understanding situations such as the one that we just encountered. You should always be able to answer questions like:
What is the sample size used to fit the m_massKg_bill_cntr
Correct!That’s not right…
What is the sample size used to fit the m_mass_bill_sex
Correct!That’s not right…
How many missing values are there in the sex
Correct!That’s not right…
How many rows have missing data in the other variables entered in the m_mass_bill_sex
model but not in the sex
Correct!That’s not right…
There are several ways of finding out how many observations were used in a particular model. A quick one is to check the number of residual df (second number of df for the F-test). This number is always equal to N − p − 1, where p is the number of predictors in the model.
To check the number of missing values in a variable, you can just look at the summary()
of the data, use the is.na()
and sum()
functions, or some other code.
Check out the R
script to practical 3 for inspiration.
So now, to compare our two models, we need to refit m_massKg_bill_cntr
using the same subset of peng_data
that was used to fit m_mass_bill_sex
Create an object in the environment called peng_subset
that will allow you to refit m_massKg_bill_cntr
such that it is comparable with the other model.
Think about which variable (or NA
s in which variable) caused the discrepancy in sample size and how you can get around the issue.
All you need to do is filter the data to only include those rows of peng_data
which do not have NA
s in the sex
Create a model called m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
that is the same as m_massKg_bill_cntr
but, this time round, fitted to peng_subset
m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare <- lm(flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr, peng_subset)
Have a look at coefficients of this new model and compare them to the ones from the original model
As you can see, the coefficients are ever so slightly different. This is not that surprising because the data these two versions of the model use are themselves different. What is reassuring is that the discrepancies are very small.
Now that the first model is fitted to the same data as the second one, we can finally compare them.
Compare the m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
and m_mass_bill_sex
models using the anova()
anova(m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare, m_mass_bill_sex)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr
Model 2: flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr + sex
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 330 13598
2 329 12108 1 1490 40.486 6.635e-10 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
OK, that should have worked now.
Let’s break down the output of the anova()
First of all and least importantly, we have the heading Analysis of Variance Table
This is slightly confusing terminology as the term analysis of variance (or ANOVA) is oftern reserved for a different context.
Let’s just agree to call this the F-test and never mind the heading (or the name of the function, for that matter).
Next, we have a re-statement of the models we’re comparing along with labels Model 1
and Model 2
These labels correspond to the rows of the table below:
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 330 13598
2 329 12108 1 1490 40.486 6.635e-10 ***
The first row of this table gives us information about Model 1
(in our case m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
), while the second row contains info about Model 2
), plus the results of the F-test itself.
Remember from lecture 10, that the F-test compares the amount of variance in the outcome variable explained by a model to the variance not explained by the model.
This table contains the value of the F-statistic (40.49) and its associated p-value (6.64 × 10−10, which is <.001).
On top of that, it also contains all the information to actually calculate F and p.
Let’s go over this calculation together.
In the lecture, you learnt that the formula for F is
\[F = \frac{\frac{SS_M}{df_M}}{\frac{SS_R}{df_R}}\]
where the model sum of squares (\(SS_M\), Sum of Sq
in the table above) is just the total SS minus the residual SS (the latter labelled RSS
in the table above).
You also learnt that the total sum of squares for a model is just the residual SS of the model that we are comparing it to.
So, in our case, \(SS_T\) of our model m_mass_bill_sex
is the same as \(SS_R\) of m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
Reading the table, it all checks out:
RSS Sum of Sq
1 13598
2 12108 1490
Sum of Sq
(row 2) = RSS
(1) − RSS
The difference between our two models is just one extra coefficient (for sex
) and so the model degrees of freedom is 1.
The residual degrees of freedom, as mentioned earlier is \(N - p - 1\), where \(p\) is the total number of predictors in the model: 333 − 3 − 1 = 329.
Now that we have all the numbers we need, we can just plug them into the formula:
\[F = \frac{\frac{SS_M}{df_M}}{\frac{SS_R}{df_R}} = \frac{\frac{1,490}{1}}{\frac{12,108}{329}} \approx\frac{1,490}{36.8} \approx40.4\]
So what does the F-test tell us? As explained in the lecture, the F-test tests the null hypothesis that the new model is NOT a significant improvement on the old model. If the probability of getting the F-value we got from the test, or an even larger one, if the null is true is small enough – smaller than our chosen \(\alpha\) level – we reject the null hypothesis.
In our case, the p-value is far less than any conventional \(\alpha\) so we can say that:
Sex was significantly related to flipper length, b = −4.71, 95% CI [−6.17, −3.26], t(329) = −6.36, p < .001, and accounted for additional 2.6% of the variance in the outcome. The inclusion of this predictor in the model represented a significant improvement in model fit over the comparison model, F(1, 329) = 40.49, p < .001.
For your last task, perform an F-test comparing m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
to the null model.
First, we need to fit the null model to the data.
If we’re using m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare
built using peng_subset
, we need to fit the model to the same dataset!
m_null <- lm(flipper_length_mm ~ 1, peng_subset)
Next, we can use anova()
to compare the models:
# You can also compare all 3 models
anova(m_null, m_massKg_bill_cntr_compare)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: flipper_length_mm ~ 1
Model 2: flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 332 65219
2 330 13598 2 51620 626.35 < 2.2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The F-value you’re after is the one in the row corresponding to Model 2
Well done finishing your last Analysing Data tutorial!
In case you’re wondering why the the F-value in the 2nd row does not match the F-statistic
at the bottom of summary()
lm(formula = flipper_length_mm ~ mass_kg_cntr + bill_length_cntr,
data = peng_subset)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-20.9869 -4.5868 0.4285 4.8784 14.0977
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 200.85939 0.35180 570.940 < 2e-16 ***
mass_kg_cntr 13.01733 0.54163 24.034 < 2e-16 ***
bill_length_cntr 0.54404 0.07975 6.822 4.31e-11 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 6.419 on 330 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.7915, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7902
F-statistic: 626.3 on 2 and 330 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
…the answer has to do with the fact that there are several ways of cutting up variance.
The F-test in summary()
uses something called Type I Sums of Squares, while the F-test from anova()
uses Type III Sums of Squares.
We briefly talked about the difference between these two in the 7th episode of #statsChats.
OK, this is strictly speaking not true. There are various “data imputation” techniques that allow us to substitute missing data for a likely value but this is an advanced topic that you do not need to worry about at this stage.↩︎